Monday, May 20, 2019

Assessment of the Essay of “the Fourth World War Has Begun

Globalization is a answer that integrates all the nations around the humanness, by the unification of spheric rescue with the worldwide exchange of products and services (David, 2002). With that unification, the other matters, such as politics, technology, corking, repulse force and husbandry, all urinate to support a international interaction and fusion. The rapid developments of information and telecommunication technology in new years, as well as the construction of infrastructure like transportation, have promoted and accelerated the globalisation process by connecting people to a greater extent closely and compressing the time and post for communication.As a result, the nations be becoming more closely interdep eradicateent in todays world. The iv basic aspects of globalisation identified by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 2000 includes the trade and transactions cross b lay outs, capital flow and investment, international migration of people and spread o f knowledge. Globalization is a kinda controvertial topic and the supporters and opponents are some(prenominal) numerous. The essay of The Fourth World War Has Begun by Marcos focuses on the negative sides of globalisation on a global perspective.First, the greedy and warlike logic of contemporary capitalism and foodstuffs, which has prospered since the end of the Cold War, is described. A recognition of globalization as world war has been provided, and this war is fought mingled with the candidates of ruling power of world economy, and the victims are the poor and the humanity, as well as the independence of conjure ups and national culture. What the war seeks is a redistribution of the world, and in the process more serious inequality has been caused.The national states have been subordinated to the logic of transnational financial power and mercantile free trade, and are reduced to play the sole role of securing markets. Then a fragmented world caused by globalization, which intends on the unification, is descried. And the tattered picture contains seven pieces that could non be combined together. The seven pieces are inequality and meagreness, globalization of exploitation, migration of people, the globalization of crime and state power, legitimate violence, the appendage of mega-politics, and the various forms of resistance. In the end of the essay, a fable is presented.The perspectives of Marcos will be assessed in the following respects. 1. Is globalization essentially evil? The interactions between people and states are necessary and inevitable with the progress of human society. It is recognized that the trade benefits all participants in the respect of absolute advantage and comparative advantage of goods production by different entities. The globalization has achieved this name and address as the worldwide trade is realized in a single major market fall in by the whole world. In that unified economic world produced by neoliberalism, t he commodities not the people circularise freely.But the problem is the problem of justice for the current pattern of unification. Marcos has declared in the essay that the globalization has caused a fragmented world rather than a wholesome one, as certain groups of people who are no use to the new economy, like the indigenous, have been excluded, and it is the purpose of the ZNLA (Zapatista National Liberation Army) to maintain the unification of the Mexico plain rather than split. It is declared that the threatening factors to the indigenous include the exploitation of the natural resources, environment pollution and so on.The fragmentation and inequality problem caused by the globalization are the results of the neo-liberal logic. The principles of free competition and maximization of single(a) profits classify people in the categories of winner and loser (Angelis, 2005). Those who are not adapted to the agreement are rejected as losers. As the economy framework is fundamenta lly designed based on the western ideas and criteria, the extension of it to other parts of the world would surely encounter resists and inadaptations.Under the claim of globalization, the transnational enterprises give chase the maximization of profits by the organization of primary materials, labor force, capital, technology, production process and consuming market on a worldwide scale. All the nations and regions that are serviceable to the process are reshaped and included in the major market. In the reorganization process, the resistant factors of people, culture, internal industry and market, as well as policy-making system, have to be wiped out.The unification of the world may be the trend for the future, but it could not be make in a mode which is dominated by a sole culture, that of the western world. The diversification of the nations and regions have to be respected, considered and structured in the system harmoniously. 2. Is globalization bad for the poor? In the e ssay, Marcos argues that globalization has exacerbated the problem of inequality and poverty. It is declared that the wealth have been accumulated for the few and the poverty for the majority of people. And more poverty is produced by with the progress of the major transnational companies.Whether the globalization has worsened the inequality problem is rather controversial. Lindert & Williamson (2003) argued that the globalization of products and factor markets probably has alleviated the rapid rise of income inequality between countries that are integrated into the global economy. It is found that the income distributions are converged in countries which are integrated more fully in the global economy, and the distributions are diverged between the active participants and the countries that remain isolated from the global economy.And among the participants in the global market, the effects are different regarding to the development award of the country the highly advanced, the re gions of new settlement and the rest. And for the income inequality within nations, the effect globalization has gone both ways. For example, it is indicated that the market-oriented trade rest and globalization in Brazil, i. e. , the Mercosur trade reform, has a redistributing and pro-poor effect. It has been shown that the outlay good prices decreased after entering the Mercosur.Decreased poverty has been found after national trade liberalization but no significant inequality effects have been obtained (Borraz et al, 2012). It is found that both the inequality and poverty decreased with rising export exposure but the poverty increased with import penetration (Castilho, 2012). 3. The unemployment caused by the globalization It is argued in the essay the economic growth of companies has produced unemployment, poverty and precariousness of the workers by the reorganization of the economy process, namely, the production, circulation and consumption of goods.With that rearrangement i s the reorganization of work force and destruction of small and medium companies, which causes an excess of workforce that is useable and precarious treatments for them. Inevitably, the migration for work becomes a nightmare for those without a job. It is indicated that the jobless growth has been made in the recent decades by the globalization of labor market, as the structure of economy has undergone a great change, which is indicated in the essay, as the workforce for agriculture has shrunk, and the service tertiary industry has greatly expanded.So the traditional jobs are reduced eyepatch new kinds of jobs have been created in the process, but they are not made for the indigenous people collectible to the cultural and educational factors. The unemployment indicated by Marcos is categorized as the structural unemployment, which is caused by the restructuring of the global economy and the emergence of global labor market due to the technology revolution (Overbeek, 2003).The glo balization is characterized as a stage of intensified commoditization in the global economy, where the globalization of labor markets is manifested. It is argued by Overbeek (2003) that this structural transformation is accompanied by the emergence of global neo-liberalism, as ideological orientation is permeated by the hegemonic concept of control. The competitiveness has become a key imperative and caused a massive shedding for the labor force, especially in the time of recession and economy crisis.The labor market reforms carried out in the 1990s were seen as one of the spear points of capitalistic restructuring, not only by national presidential terms and by international organizations, but also by stock pressure groups. And in this process, unemployment has been defined as a trouble of individual employability and personal ability, rather than a result of the economy cycle. The recent global economy slowdown may produce a decrease of employment, and a re-alignment of labor force may be issued, which would produce a redistributive labor. 4. The role of the government in the globalization processMarcos declares that with down fall the national market, the material base of the state are dissipated by the power of free commercial message markets, and the governments have been reduced to the economy managers and are commanded or teleconmmanded by the mega-enterprises, and the rights and interests of the citizens could not be protected. Not only the material bases of the states are destroyed, but also the history and culture of nations. This may be not true for all the countries that participate in global economy, as the national independent rights are not devoured in that degree.However, it is authentic that government policies are influenced by the major transnational commercial powers. There are various evidences for this argument. Rogowsk (2005) has studied the restraining of governmental policy by the capital mobility in the wind of globalization an d neo-liberalism. With the progress of globalization, capital flow faster and more easily between nations. In order to attract more investment, countries compete more actively and carry out capital-accommodating policies, composition the local preferences or factor endowments are less regarded.It is controvertial whether the developing countries would benefit from the globaliziaiton when speculating the problem from different perspectives. Lindert & Williamson (2003) indicates that the countries that benefit most from the globalization are the developing countries that have adjusted their polices to make use of it, while those have not done that achieved the least. Besides the difference of effect on participants and non-participants, the impacts of different sources of globalization are also different. The influence of globalization on national economy depends on the position of the state in the global economy chain.The countries that scarce provide natural and human resources ar e at the least significant end of the economy chain, while the developed countries with advantages in technology, capital and market enjoy most of the gains of the economy globaliziation. Without the development of national industry, the conditions of state could not be improved fundamentally and the growth is unsustainable. However, if the transformation and promotion of the national enterprises could be achieved in the globalization process, the country becomes a real beneficiary. The expeience of China is a good example of benefiting from globalization.While the Afircan and Ltain American countries undergo a slower progress and the economy mode has not been changed at root. The essential reason is the policy-making independence of the state government. If the government fell to be the managers for the major transnational economy as stated in the essay, the state could not achieve a substantial development and industry transformation. And the independent government could also pro tect the history and culture of the state in the wave of globalization, ensuring the independence and integrity of the culture and achieving an advancement by the interaction with foreign cultures.

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